Our showroom is well-stocked with turf care products appropriate for each season, as our team understands the significance of caring for and maintaining a client’s landscape. As Lebanon Turf and Jonathan Green Turf-Pro dealers, we offer a full selection to meet your turf and plant care needs. In addition, we can provide pallet and truckload pricing for delivering throughout the tri-state area.
Fertilizers & Seeds
Professional Turf Care
High-Quality Products
- Professional Grade Seasonal Fertilizers
- Pre- and Post-Emergent Weed Control
- Fungicides and Insecticides
- Wide Selection of Weed-Free Seed Mixtures
- Turf Herbicides & Pesticides
- Contractor-Quality Spreaders
- Turf Conditioning Equipment
Learn More About Our Turf Equipment Rentals

High-Quality Products
- Professional Grade Seasonal Fertilizers
- Pre- and Post-Emergent Weed Control
- Fungicides and Insecticides
- Wide Selection of Weed-Free Mixtures
- Turf Herbicides & Pesticides
- Contractor-Quality Spreaders
- Turf Conditioning Equipment
Learn More About Our Turf Equipment Rentals
Contact Us
Let our sales team answer questions about how we can help you manage and maintain your client’s turf.
Howard Klein
Store & Turf Care Manager
Join Our Pantano Loyalty Program
As part of our ongoing commitment, we are pleased to offer an industry-leading loyalty program as an opportunity to increase your profitability year-over-year. Let us be Your Total Source to maximize your purchasing power and earn up to a 5% credit annually.

2024 Wholesale Nursery Catalog