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The NJNLA has members that range from landscape contractors, nursery growers, turf managers, floriculturists, horticulturists, landscape architects, outdoor designers, equipment manufacturers, to associated business services. NJNLA is open to gardeners, and anyone can be a member.

New Jersey’s green industry is a complex network of labor intense disciplines and specialized equipment which contribute over $4 billion to the Garden State’s economy. The New Jersey Nursery and Landscape Association (NJNLA) had its roots in 1915, but by 1988 a variety of green industry segments were represented.  Membership spans from professionals in the industry to garden enthusiasts.  Small landscape businesses benefit from the divergent seminars, educational events, and design competitions that keep NJ horticulture alive.


Seminars are offered to members and interested people at monthly at Pantano Nursey and Landscape Supply. Additionally, NJNLA has an Education Foundation.  The Education Foundation, established 2005, offers opportunities to NJ students to further their green education and promote horticulture.  The scholarship program is funded by numerous fundraisers, golf outings, dinner galas, auctions, and Monmouth County Park events.

Labor force

The seasonal nature of the landscape industry has unique challenges.  New Jersey’s farmers must have access to a legal and stable workforce.  NJNLA supports immigration reform for (S.744) an agricultural guest program that is market based; a replacement for H2B program with no cap or one that is reasonably market based; a fair process for determining H2B wages, and inclusion of an employment verification system like E-Verify.  Lastly, a pathway to legal status for the well-trained and hardworking labor force in the landscape and agricultural workforce is essential to New Jersey’s green industry.  NJNLA has seen the Senate’s immigration  proposal is favorable to NJ green industry and is encouraging the House of Representatives to make the changes a reality.

Marketing Prospective Customers

Lastly, NJNLA is a trade show featuring lighting designs, gardening features, and state of the art equipment.  Local Nurseries and landscapers are encouraged to display their work by entering the Annual NJNLA Landscape Awards Program. Marketing NJNLA accolades highlights a portfolio for prospective customers.  The Grand Prize-winning project will be on TV and featured on the cover of the NJNLA Membership Directory. Winning projects have press releases sent to local and state newspapers and are displayed at the Total Pro Expo Trade Show and Conference. Recognition of winning recipients will be honored, and their awards presented at the NJNLA Annual Awards Event on December 1st at The Pines Manor in Edison. Enter the NJNLA Landscape Awards Program in September.  For more information check online at  NJNLA PO BOX 183 Bordentown, NJ 08505 PH: 609-291-7070

For more information contact Pantano nursery and landscape supply at 143 County Road 522 Manalapan, NJ 07726  PH: (732) 786-8503

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