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Thinking of using Hardscape Cleaners and Adhesives to keep your hardscape clean? A homeowner loves to enjoy their hardscape around their home. Hardscape adds functionality to their outdoor space. One of the benefits of having pavers and stone outside your home is that it does not require lots of maintenance. Getting hardscape cleaners, sealers and adhesives helps to make your pavers look great! A professional landscaper will help you choose the right type of hardscape that best fits your lifestyle. Here are a few things that you can have done to keep your outdoor hardscape beautiful all year round.

Hardscape Cleaners and Adhesives

Hardscape Cleaners and Adhesives | Sealer

Once you have your hardscape installed by a professional, have them add a sealer for added color and protection. A sealer added to your hardscape will help reduce the maintenance needed for your hardscape. Pavers are long lasting and pretty much maintenance free. With an added sealer for added protection, any homeowner will be glad they did. Contact your professional contractor for the added protection for your hardscape. There are several benefits of sealing your pavers. Pavers that are sealed need to be resealed every 3-5 years to keep the pavers maintenance free. Cleaning your hardscape is important so that it stays fresh and clean all year round. No harsh chemicals should be used. We have a full range of hardscape sealers including: Alliance Gator Hybrid Seal – High Gloss, Alliance Gator Hybrid Seal – Low Gloss, Alliance Gator ReSealer for Pavers & Natural Stones, Alliance Gator Seal Natural Look for Pavers & Concrete, Alliance Gator Seal Wet Look Sealer for Pavers, and more!

Hardscape Cleaners and Adhesives | Cleaning

Sweeping your hardscape often will keep it free of particles and leaves. Removing all leaves, sticks and debris often will prevent it from decomposing on the pavers and causing stains and mold. You can use a garden hose to remove things that may be stuck on the pavers or stones. A good and strong pressure washer can remove any stains that are stuck. When a homeowner doesn’t have a pressure washer, they can easily use a bristle broom with a safe cleaner diluted in water to safely scrub any stains on the pavers. As a result, elements left on pavers or stone without being cleaned can damage it overtime. Blowing off the leaves that may have settled on the hardscape can help to remove them. Also, lightly power washing the surface to make sure all stains are removed is safe. Pantano has all the hardscape cleaning products you may need. From Alliance Gator Clean XP Oil & Grease Remover for Pavers and Alliance Gator Stone & Paver Efflorescence Cleaner to EacoChem Masonry Detergent Hardscape Cleaner and EaCoChem LCS Water Based Sealer Stripper, we have it all!

Hardscape Cleaners and Adhesives | Inspect the Pavers and Stone

When you have pavers you always want to prevent erosion and weed growth by always checking for any loose particles between your paver joints. After having your pavers inspected, you may need to re-sand the joints and add sealant to bond them together. Especially during winter months or heavy traffic areas, stones and pavers may push out and expand. The pavers and stones can start pushing out and become deformed, so checking the often is necessary. While inspecting the pavers and stones, pull out the weeds that may be sticking out from the cracks between the tiles. In addition, remove the weed which includes the root to prevent regrowth. Inspecting and cleaning your outdoor hardscape can be time consuming, so having a professional come and handle that for you is best. As a result, any power washing done on your pavers and stone should always be done with care. We have a full range of hardscape adhesives. From Gator Block Bond High Performance, Low VOC and Gator Block Bond XP Polyurethane to SRW Superior Strength Solvent-Based Adhesive, we have what you need.

Searching for the best Hardscape Cleaners and Adhesives? Contact Pantano Nursery and Landscape Supply today! We have a full range of hardscape cleaners, sealers and adhesives. In today’s complex hardscape environment, accessories are required on almost every job. Whether it is a cleaner to freshen up an existing project, a power saw to cut pavers or natural stone, adhesives to secure a wall cap, or sealers to finish the job – Pantano Nursery and Landscape Supply sells a full range of hardscape cleaners, sealers and adhesives both in our retail store or online through this web site. Come and visit us today!

Monmouth County Nursery

Hardscape Sealers

Hardscape Adhesives

Hardscape Cleaners

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