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[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_2″ last=”no”][/fusion_builder_column] [fusion_builder_column type=”1_2″ last=”yes”]Does your lawn look like it really needs help? Are there dead patches and weeds ruining the look of the lawn? Does it generally look like it needs lots of attention? Many experts advise homeowners to take steps to revive their lawns in the fall. Adding soil amendments and planting new grass seed can make a big difference to a stressed lawn. The fall is a great time to plant grass seed because temperatures are going down and seasonal weeds are starting to die off. New grass planted in the fall will have the rest of the fall, all winter, and the spring to germinate and grow strong before the stresses of the summer season come.

It is important to decide where to buy your grass seed this fall based on the quality of product offered, the related items available, and the advice and help the nursery is willing to give. [/fusion_builder_column]

Being able to ask an expert questions about lawn problems and how to solve them is very important. Why is your lawn so stressed? Could it be caused by a broken irrigation system, too much or too little watering? Are there pests, diseases, and weeds undermining the lawn? Does the soil need amending, de-thatching, or loosening? What are the problems that others in the area experience? What solutions have been working the best? As a high quality, established business supplying lawn products to contractors, Pantano Nursery can answer the above questions. We have all the products and equipment homeowners need to complete lawn projects successfully. There is nothing more frustrating than to do hours of work and spend lots of money on grass seed and other lawn products, only to have the lawn fail again come summer.

Why plant grass seed and do other lawn fixes in the fall? In the fall, temperatures are starting to go down so the newly planted grass will have less heat stress. The weeds and insects from the summer are starting to die off or are at least easier to manage. Water will not evaporate as quickly in the cooler temperatures and the new grass needs to be kept moist as it germinates. Once the grass germinates, it will have all fall, winter, and spring to mature and get stronger so it will be able to endure the stresses of summer. Some garden experts think that grass germinates better in the fall. You may have an easier time doing the manual labor involved in planting grass seed in the fall because of the cooler temperatures.

After the grass seed and other lawn products have been purchased and the needed equipment rented from a good garden nursery, how can you assure greater success? There is more to planting grass seed successfully than just throwing seed on the lawn and waiting for it to grow. Any underlying lawn problems need to be taken care of before planting the seed. The soil may need to be loosened and amended with additives such as lime. Tool rentals for lawn equipment will be needed. Irrigation systems need to be put in good working order before a new lawn is planted. All the planting and after care directions must be followed, including keeping traffic off the new grass for up to six weeks.[/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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